Panchakarma part is a comfortable therapy. Panchakarma defines to help the body is clear of toxins and organs are functioning normally, the mind is at peace and emotions are calm and happy. Due to the stressful and toxic environment, our physical and mental systems accumulate toxins causing deterioration in the functioning of a body-mind complex which opens the door for chronic, degenerative and non-specific diseases to develop. Panchakarma is the ultimate and safe for Ayurvedic detoxification therapy of body and mind. It also strengthens the functioning immune system to restore health and well-being. Panchakarma therapies that are highly individualized based on the Ayurvedic constitution type (Prakruty), imbalances (if any), digestive fire, age, immune status, health conditions & many other factors.
Treatments for Panchakarma
Panchakarma therapy starts with the consultation by Ayurveda physician to determine the individual’s Body-Mind constitution, health condition(s) and appropriate degree of intensity of detoxification. Based on the consultation by Ayurveda physician, one, two or more therapies are prescribed for the day. These therapies are conducted using specific Ayurveda oils and/or medicines. Below is the description of a variety of therapies used in a Panchakarma:
- VAMANA: Induces emesis using Ayurveda medicines
- VIRECHANA: Induces purgation by Ayurveda medicines
- NASA: Detoxification of upper respiratory tract by administration of Ayurveda drugs in the nasal cavity
- BASTI: Cleanses out toxins from the lower colon
- SWEDANA: Herbal steam bath
Additionally, Panchakarma therapy includes Ayurvedic full body oil massages, namely:
- SIRODHARA: Pouring of oils/liquids over the forehead
- UDVARTANA or UBTAN: Superficially penetrating herbal paste application on skin.
- MARMA THERAPY: Ayurvedic Point therapy
A strict diet and lifestyle should be followed during various stages of treatment. This is to bring back the AGNI (Digestive fire) to its normal levels of functioning the system. Ayurvedic herbal based medicines are administered to rejuvenate the body and to treat the diseases. During different phases of Panchakarma, these are the precautions taken:
- Avoid exposure from temperatures, both internally and externally
- Avoid loud noise and stress
- Avoid suppression of natural urges such as sneezing, coughing, etc
- Avoid being awake late at night
Benefits of Panchakarma
- Eliminates toxins and strengthens tissue functions
- Helps in implementing a healthy diet and lifestyle
- Improves relaxation & tolerance
- Slows down the aging process
- Improves strength, endurance and vitality
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